Sinus Problem GONE!  The best thing I've ever used! That's all I have to say.

Mary Ann Birch, Louisville, KY.


I have had sinus problems for years. I have not been able to breath out the right side of my nose for at least 5 years and had given up on it. My co-worker had a bad sinus infection to the point she said her head felt like it was going to explode. The pain was so bad for her she had to go home several times from work and one time at work the pain was so bad she threw up at her desk.  She came in one day with a bottle of Spray Away nasal spray, she said the stuff was really helping. In about a month she told me her sinus problems were gone. I asked her where she got it so she gave me the empty bottle and I called them and ordered a bottle. It took 2 weeks and now I can breath out the right side of my nose for the first time in about 5 years. This stuff in killer! More people should know about it!

Ronnie Donato, Ivyland, PA.

I suffered for several years with sinus probelms. I had gone to my GP, the ENT, all the rounds of anti-biotics had not worked and was ready for sinus surgery. Out of desperation I found Spray Away. I thought it can't hust it might even help so I bought it. Within three weeks no more sinus issues and I won't be having sinus surgery. I am not only amazed, but very greatful

Tim Culp, Fairfax, VA

My son is 14. We've been through the mill with this sinus infection thing. The Dr. said he needed sinus surgery. I was at the end of my rope, the last thing I wanted  to see is my son having surgery. I read the Mayo Clinic article saying that 98% of all sinus infections were fungal, not caused by bacteria. So I asked my Dr. for some fungal medicine for my son. When I asked him about it he looked at me like I was from Mars. Desperate, I hit the internet hard and came up with Spray Away. I thought the price a bit much, but I was willing try anything for my son. Within 10 days the results were astonishing. We went back to the Dr. and these were his exact words,

" I don't know what you did, but keep doing it, it's working".  THANK YOU SPRAY AWAY PEOPLE!

Leslie Walsh,  Santa Fe, New Mexico

Nothing was working. My sinuses were so stopped up I was miserable every day and had nose bleeds 2-3 times per week. I took antibiotics until my bowels were a mess and had the runs every day. On Facebook someone mentioned Spray Away and said they had really good success with it. So I found it on online and I have never looked back. I have one word to say AMAZING! These guys have nailed it. Since then, I have recommended Spray Away to over 100 people friends and online, they all say the same thing to me, "Incredible" it works and Thank you!"

Ricky Yodis, Boothbay Harbor, Maine